A few years ago, ‘going green’ seemed to be a trend or fad, but the truth is, going green has become a home renovation trend that doesn’t seem to be slowing down. It has also evolved greatly in a short time to be easier to do, more widespread, and with many options for any home style. Remodeling your kitchen in Plymouth Michigan the green way has never been easier! Manufacturers have developed a wider variety of more environmentally friendly products, allowing home owners to make the switch without limitations on what they can find.

Tips To Get a Green Kitchen Remodel in Plymouth Michigan

There are many options when it comes to a kitchen remodel in your home. Small changes such as changing the pulls on cabinets or adding a fresh coat of paint usually doesn’t require the help of a contractor. But if you’re planning on a complete kitchen remodel for your home you may want to at least consult with a contractor first. Here are Home Pros Plymouth we have all the qualifications and licenses needed to perform any type of kitchen remodel in a residential home. We can help with permits and inspections if needed and we’re up front about all pricing. If you’re in the market for a kitchen remodel for your home be sure to call us today. With that being said, here are some tips to make sure your kitchen is green:

Planning the Remodel

It pays to take your time planning when it comes to a kitchen remodel, especially if you are going green with the renovation. Making thoughtful and careful decisions before getting started will help to ensure that your kitchen will remain in great shape for years to come – if you were to remodel every few years for lack of planning, that wouldn’t be very green. Ask as many questions as you need to of your contractor and really take the time to learn about all the green options that are available to you now. Remember to stick to proven choices that are known to work and last, that way you aren’t caught up in the trends so that your kitchen is great for years after the renovation.

Tips To Get a Green Kitchen Remodel in Plymouth Michigan

Indoor Air Considerations

Often we may think of how we heat, cool, and ventilate our home, but we don’t think about the materials we use that can impact the air quality as well. Resins, glues, and sealants can all give off toxic gases or volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can make for poor air quality. There is a plethora of low or non-VOC materials available now that can ensure you aren’t hurting the air in your home, therefore hurting your family as well. Also, be sure to properly ventilate your home when working with any of these (when there are no options) so that your air can circulate the unwanted toxins out quickly.


It’s hard sometimes to spend money on the parts of your home you don’t see, but the importance of ensuring your kitchen is well insulated far outweighs the unseen expense. Another noteworthy place where money well spent can go unnoticed to the common eye is with new windows in your kitchen. With energy efficient options that are more insulated themselves and help to reduce energy loss, new windows have amazing benefits that will greatly return the investment on them no matter if they are noticed or not.

Green Kitchen Remodel in Plymouth MI

LED Lighting

LED bulbs are not what they used to be. LED lights are brighter yet more pleasant than traditional bulb options, making for a nicer environment for your kitchen. You’ll likely see examples of recessed lighting in the kitchen using LED bulbs, and that’s an amazing option to include if you are able. LEDs have grown in popularity and is continuing to be seen as a more efficient lighting option in kitchens today.

Energy Star Appliances

Never doubt what kind of savings both in energy and in costs an Energy Star rated appliance can provide. Not only will you save in the monthly energy costs, but you will save just how much energy is used and will increase the green factor of your home with energy saving appliances. Make sure you speak to your contractor about all of the potential Energy Star options you can opt for in your kitchen to really make the greatest impact.