After months of snow, ice and cold weather, it can be as if you are seeing your home for the first time in months when spring comes. But even though you are welcoming spring with open arms, the nicer weather also means the return of house repairs and maintenance. Home improvement contractors in Plymouth Michigan are busy in spring and it is important to make sure that you stay on top of the game and contact them at the first sign of issues with your home. Otherwise, you can end up spending more money and experiencing more damage as it goes unfixed.

Signs You May Need To Get A Home Improvement Contractor in Plymouth Michigan

While we’d all like for every component of our homes to last a lifetime, chances are they won’t. In fact, even in optimal conditions and following the proper maintenance requirements there are some exterior components of the home that will fail before you reach the 15 year mark. While this can be a hassle it can be properly prepared for and with the right contractor, it doesn’t have to mean lots of problems for your home. We’ll take a look at some of the more common problems you may see with your home in warmer months and more importantly, what you can do about them.

Signs You May Need To Get A Home Improvement Contractor in Plymouth Michigan

If you are noticing any of these signs around your home it is important to contact a contractor:

You Are Noticing Weaknesses In Your Deck Or Stairs

Parts of your home, especially those made of wood, can be weakened and damaged after months of constant weight and moisture exposure from the snow and ice. If you start to notice creaking or wobbling in your deck or stairs that can mean a structural problem. Once this occurs it will only get worse if left unaddressed and can end up causing serious injury.

A contractor can not only identify if there is a problem, but identify different ways to go about fixing the problem to potentially save you money. This can mean either reinforcing, repairing or replacing depending on how bad the problem is and how likely it is to return.

Your Windows Are Giving Your Problems

Windows are doors need to be checked and maintained to properly seal off and separate the interior of your home from the exterior. If there is warping or rotting it can affect the seal and make it easy for air to flow in and out. This means your money is quite literally going out the window.

You should get a contractor out to your home if you notice drafts or sticking because this could be a sign that it is time to replace. Replacements can also save you a good deal of money on your monthly energy bills, especially when you opt for coatings or multiple panels.

You Notice Unwanted Guests

While you may not think that a contractor is the person to call when you notice pests like bugs. mice or birds in your home, it is important to consider where they are coming from. There has to be a way for them to get in and there is plenty of damage that they can cause once inside.

After you have pest control take care of the ones already in your home, it is important to make sure you block off more from getting in. This means fixing holes or cracks in the roof or walls as well as checking to see if there is any other damage like wiring issues from the pest problem.

Your Roof Needs A Check Up

Your roof is constantly exposed to the elements and is hit the hardest in winter. With tons of weight on it from snow and a constant moisture exposure, it is easy to understand why your roof may need some extra TLC once spring comes. You should have your roof inspected at least once a year, especially after winter, for any signs of cracks or leaks. If moisture gets in it can turn into mold or rot and cost you thousands of dollars and risk your health in the process.

If you notice any of these problems on your home be sure to call Home Pros Plymouth today at 734-548-9911. We are a full service home improvement contractor in Plymouth Michigan plus, we offer free quotes on projects. Call today for more details.