Every dollar that you put into your roof is a vital investment that improves the value of your home. The roof also serves to increase the market value of your property as well as increasing the curb appeal of your home. A roof that is in top-notch condition contributes significantly to your home’s efficiency, safety, and comfort more so than any other component within its structure. But when there is a problem on the roof, making sure you use a properly qualified roofer in Plymouth Michigan to repair or replace is crucial to keeping the home protected and protecting the value that is added by your roof.

Professional Qualifications You Should Look for in a Roofing Company in Plymouth Michigan?

What should you expect from a professional roofing company in Plymouth Michigan? And exactly how do you choose which roofing company will be best for you? Since the roof on your home is designed to last for many years you may not have dealt with a roofing company before. In any case, choosing the right roofing company for your roof repairs or replacement could mean the difference in the roof lasting for many more years or just a few days. Here are some of the qualifications you should look for in a roofing company when you’re considering hiring them for your roofing project.

Professional Qualifications You Should Look for in a Roofing Company in Plymouth Michigan?


As roofing technology gets more advanced, roofers can’t just depend on their natural abilities and the right name to gain consumer confidence. Some of the other things they must demonstrate are that they have gotten the proper training and experience necessary to work on any residential or commercial roofing system. This is especially true for newer, more modern roofing systems offered by manufacturers.

A reputable roofing company and of high quality is one that can separate themselves in a market that is loaded with lots of false claims and a presence minus any accountability. Contractors should provide professional documentation to get a job. Without having credentials, a contractor can easily take advantage of you or deny your complaint without being held legally liable for their work.

Therefore, be sure to not hire any company to do work on your roof, at least not without requiring the roofer to present the following documentation:

  • The Roofer Should Be Properly Licensed

Making sure your roofing contractor has full licenses including state and city are important. They should also be able to gain the proper permits and inspections if needed. If they aren’t able to do this you may want to get another roofer for your project. Any contractor that is willing to obtain a license demonstrates that they have the qualifications to work on roofs and are committed to their profession. Contractors must pass an exam to get a permit. Therefore, they demonstrate competency in their industry and gain trust from any potential clients.

  • The Right Certification

In order to get a manufacturer’s endorsement or certification, the individual or company must pass strict requirements and have a minimum amount of liability insurance. Once they have obtained certification, contractors have to renew their certification every two years. The homeowner may be able receive a reduction in their insurance premiums when signed documentation is provided that an accredited contractor installed your home’s roof.

  • Manufacturers Offer Factory Certification Programs

Manufacturers also have their contractor certification programs. These programs ensure that their products are being installed properly to factory specifications. When a specific manufacturer awards certification to a roofing contractor, the manufacturer is stating that the roofer has gotten the proper training and skill necessary to install their products for any residential or commercial home.

An example of this would be GAF, who is a leading roofing manufacturer. They conduct a rigorous and comprehensive training program for all contractors to make sure that exceptional installation, repair, and maintenance of their roofing materials is guaranteed. If a contractor claims that they are GAF Factory Certified Roofers. It means that they have indeed demonstrated a consistent quality of craft and adequate implementation of GAF roofing materials.

A Professional Roofing Company

If you’d like to find a professional roofing company in Plymouth Michigan, we are it. Home Pros Plymouth offers roofing installation and roof repair for all residential and commercial properties. We also have a roof warranty that goes with all of our products and work. Please give us a call to discuss your roofing needs. We can be reached at 734-548-9911