While it is currently Summertime, you know that Winter is right around the corner. Now is the time to get prepared for these colder months and potential snowstorms, depending on where you reside. The weather conditions have a lot to do with the integrity of your home, so it is essential that you begin to prepare for this change in weather as early as possible. Nobody likes surprise renovation projects, especially when they were not previously saving up for them. And when it comes to your roofing in Plymouth Michigan, maintenance is a great way to make your roof last a long time.

Preventative Measures to Keep Your Roofing in Plymouth Michigan in Great Shape

These tips are some of the best that you can follow to avoid any surprise damages to your home. They will ensure that you and your family stay safe during the Winter months, and you will feel secure in knowing that you took these precautions early on. While these tips can help to keep your roof in great shape it should be noted that you should not go onto your home’s roof. Use tools such as binoculars or a UAV drone to inspect areas you can not see from the ground.

Plymouth MI Roof Maintenance

Observe Your Gutters

Your gutters are more than just pesky elements of your home that you need to keep clean. It might be your least favorite task, but your gutters are very protective when you think about them. If they are clogged with debris, the rain and snow are unable to pass through them. This means that they are simply going to be clogged, causing moisture to pool up on your roof.

This might not seem like an immediate problem, but it can become quite a big one if it is left ignored. These damp spots can lead to the weakening of your roof and even slow leaks. This is the kind of damage that sneaks up on you because you do not think about it.


Your pipes, attic, basement, garage, and home in general must be properly insulated. If your insulation is faulty, this is going to let cold air into your home. What this means is that your heating system will need to work twice as hard. This can also mean you will end up paying twice as much on your energy bill.

If you notice a spike in your bill during this time, then you need to take a look at your insulation. Hire a professional to give it a thorough look. This is going to keep your roof cool and healthy, too.

Fix Any Cracks

Cracks can seem like minor inconveniences right now, but they can turn into bigger problems in the future. A small crack will surely grow. This can lead to a draft or even a leak. Before it becomes a problem, get it checked out the instant that you notice it. You will thank yourself for this.

Hail Damage in Plymouth MI

Check Ventilation

Your home needs to be properly ventilated if your heating system is going to do its best. Without ventilation the air in your home will not circulate properly. This is why you might still feel cold when you have your heating on or you might notice that there is a draft coming in. Make sure your vents are clear of dust and other obstructions.

Get Rid of Dead Branches

For the same reason you should clean your gutters, you should also clear any dead branches from your roof. This can cause the same effect by pooling moisture to one area. Not to mention, it becomes hard to clear everything when enough branches pile up. Get this taken care of immediately, and hire someone to do it if it becomes too much of a chore for you to take on.

Overall, a professional roofing contractor can help you with all of these matters above. They are all routine maintenance steps that a professional is going to be able to perform to ensure that you are ready for the Winter to come. Hire someone that you trust, and explain your concerns. It is their job to double-check all of the above instances for you. Be sure to call Home Pros Plymouth today if you think your roof may be having issues. We offer free quotes on roof repairs and replacement.