As people get ready for winter and the holiday season ahead not much thought is given to their roofs. It’s one of those home components that is never top of mind until there is a problem and then it becomes a major concern. Roof leaks can lead to damage in the home and with the snow and ice of winter it can exaggerate that damage. Making sure your roofing in Plymouth Michigan is ready for the weather ahead can help give you peace of mind for winter and properly prepare your home’s roof for winter.

Is Your Roofing in Plymouth Michigan Ready for Winter?

While most roofing projects should be done by professional roofers who have the proper tools and equipment to do the job right there are some things a home owner can do to help ensure the roof is ready for the cold weather that is ahead. At no time do we advise you go on your home’s roof especially during winter. As the snow and ice on a roof can make just walking on the roof extremely dangerous. Plus, you may end up causing even more damage to the roof because of inexperience. With the tips below you won’t need to go on the roof but can still get your roof ready for winter.

Roof Plymouth Mi

Trim the Branches of Trees Near Your Roof

Overgrown branches can snap or break easily under heavy snow and ice. Be sure to check that there aren’t any looming branches hanging over your home or roof. You should also trim smaller branches to avoid damaging siding and windows during heavy winter winds. To ensure that they don’t pose a danger to your home, trim your tree branches. Tree branches that contact the roof can scrub at the shingles causing problems as well.

Keep Your Gutters Clear and Flowing

When winterizing our roof, we don’t think about cleaning out the gutters. The flow of water will be restricted if there is debris in your drainage system. This can help prevent your gutters from bursting during the winter. The excess water could flood your home, causing serious damage. In winter, this water can freeze and cause gutter collapse. Clogged gutters can also lead to problems such as roof ice dams. If the weight of the ice and snow is too much the gutters may also pull away from the fascia boards which can lead to damages and roof leaks as well.

Inspect Your Home’s Attic for Roof Leaks

When you have a roof leak it’s important to identify the problem and get it repaired quickly. Most roof leaks will first show up in the attic so checking in the attic for signs of a roof leak can help to prevent even more damage to the home from the roof leak.

Tips for Installing Your Vinyl Siding in Plymouth Michigan During Winter

Removing Snow from Your Home’s Roof

Snow on your roof is not something you want, even though it may look pretty from the ground. Snow on your roof can cause damage if it sits too long. Also, snow that is not removed from your roof can cause a dam. Dams can cause damage to shutters and shingles to fall off, as well as flooding due to a possible water back-up. Eliminating snow can help to prevent the formation of ice dams. Again this should only be done from the ground level and never from on top of the roof. If you live in a multi level home you may not be able to clear the snow from the roof.

Get a Full Roof Inspection Done by a Professional Roofer

A great way to help prevent damage on your home’s roof is to look for problems on the roof and address them before they become a roof leak or huge problem. Looking over your roof from time to time from the ground only takes a few minutes but it can save you lots if there is a problem. It’s also a good idea to routinely get a professional to inspect your roof to determine if there are any problems. Here at Home Pros Plymouth we provide roof inspection services that can identify and address any problems on your home’s roof. Give us a call today at (734) 548-9911 for more options and get a free quote on roofing services for your home.