A roof leak can happen at any time for a variety of reasons. Getting the roof repaired quickly can help to prevent further damage to your home. For most small roof leaks the initial damage from the roof leak can be minimal but if you delay getting roof repairs in Plymouth Michigan that water damage can get much, much worse. We’ve included some of the most common reasons why you may have a roof leak on your home below.

6 Common Reasons Why You Have a Roof Leak in Plymouth Michigan

Taking a few minutes each month to walk around your home and look for problems can sometimes help to stop a roof leak before it starts. Inspecting the roof looking for signs of problems or damages can help to prevent many of these roof leaks. Most roof leaks are caused by some sort of damage but may not become a roof leak straight away. Instead, it can take weeks or months depending on the type of damage and amount of rain we have here in Michigan. With that being said, here are some common reasons why your roof may be leaking.

Plymouth MI Roofing

1 – Improper Ventilation

You may not consider this a roof leak but it can certainly cause damage to your home. When  your roof is not properly ventilated it can cause a buildup of humidity in the attic which can lead to moisture and even mold in the attic. It can also cause roofing to age at a more faster rate which can lead to a complete roof failure. Make sure all vents are open and not blocked by wildlife or boxes in your attic.

2 – Damage from Wildlife

Those cute and chipper squirrels may be fun to watch but they can cause damage to your roof in some cases. Not only squirrels but other critters that scurry about on your roof can sometimes chew through vents and make nests in your attic or the vents themselves. Look for signs of wildlife damage especially if you have trees near your home which allow them easy access to the roof of your home.

3 – Storm Damage

The most common type of damage to a roof is storm damage. Usually the biggest problem is the wind in the storm which can blow away shingles and break them away from the roof. Hail damage is another way your roof can be damaged. In either case, a quick inspection after a storm with high winds or hail can help to prevent a roof leak by finding the problem before it becomes a roof leak.

4 – Age of the Roof Shingles

Over time the roof shingles on your home will start to break down. If your home does not have proper ventilation then it can accelerate this process. As the shingles age they lose adhesion to the shingles below them and sometimes start to curl on the edges. This makes the shingles more susceptible to damages from storms because the wind can more easily break the shingles away from the roof. Usually when your roof has curling shingles the entire roof will need to be replaced. Roof repair may be a temporary patch, but in most cases it’s best to replace the entire roof or you’ll end up having the same problem again and again.

Most Common Reasons for Roof Damage in Plymouth Michigan

5 – Skylights and Chimney Problems

Any component that protrudes from the roofing surface can be a source for roof leaks. In fact, it’s quite common for a roof to leak around these roof protrusions. Items such as chimneys and skylights have seals around them which can sometimes crack and cause a roof leak.

6 – Bad Installation of the Roof and Components

It just may be that your roof was not installed correctly is why you’re having so much trouble with it. Improper installation of roofing materials is more common than you may realize and if your roof was not properly installed it can be the root cause of your roof problems. Make sure you only use a properly licensed and qualified roofing contractor to install your new roof to help avoid this problem in the future. If you think your roof may not have been installed correctly, it may be a good idea to get a full roof inspection done on your home.

Get Roof Repair Quote Today

If you have a roof leak or need a roof inspection on your home be sure to call Home Pros Plymouth today at (734) 548-9911. We offer free quotes and can inspect your roof for any problems.