In many ways, taking care of your roof is similar to getting a doctor’s check up. You know you should do it to care of your (and your home’s long-term health), but might stay away from it because of fears that not everything is the way it should be.

And yet, caring for your roof, much like caring for yourself, is crucial. Regardless of whether your home has a relatively new roof or has functioned with the same one since it was built, working with roofing contractors is the only way you can ensure that your home is safe and dry not just now, but for years to come.

More specifically, a number of reasons should prompt you to look for roofing expertise in Plymouth, Michigan. Here are the four most important ones, helping to ensure the long-term health of your home’s summit.

4 Reasons to Look for Roofing in Plymouth, Michigan

1) The Regular Checkup

When it comes to your home’s roof, it’s absolutely crucial to be pro-active. You may not notice that a problem exists until you begin to see water dripping through your ceiling; with an unfinished attic, you may only be able to detect that problem even later.

Of course, by the time you notice it, that problem has already become a major issue with the potential to do further damage to your home. If, on the other hand, you embrace a yearly inspection, you can prevent your roof from going from bad to worse. Here are some minor problems your inspection may find:

  • loose or curled shingles
  • missing shingles
  • roof ice dams
  • and more.

Your inspector will closely follow a checklist like this in the course of checking up on your roof. If you find the right contractor, they’ll be honest in their evaluation, letting you know exactly what needs done in order to ensure the ongoing safety and health of your home.

Don’t try to do this inspection yourself. If you do, you risk missing seemingly minor issues (such as flashing that is not installed properly) that can turn into a major problem. Instead, work with Plymouth, MI roofing contractors who know exactly what to look for.

As mentioned above, we recommend inspecting your roof once a year. Ideally, you should schedule that inspection for spring, which allows the professionals to account for (and fix) any potential damage that winter might have caused.

2) The Damage Repair

In the course of your inspection, your contractor might have found an issue that needs addressed. Alternatively, you may discover the issue itself, through one of the various warning signs of a failing roof:

  • You can spot curling or missing shingles from the ground level.
  • You begin to see dark streaks on your roof, which are caused by algae.
  • Your ceilings begin to leak thanks to faulty flashings or other problems.
  • You find bare spots in which the granules supposed to protect your roof have been washed away.

For any of these and other issues, repair may become necessary. In that case, it’s crucial to work with a contractor you can trust on getting your roofing problem fixed as soon as possible.

The fix may be quick, such as re-applying caulking around the flashing. Or it can be more significant, such as fixing entire sections of your roof. In either situation, it makes sense to find a roofing contractor you know to be both qualified and credible, and who has experience in your home’s area around Plymouth.

Repair becomes especially necessary if your roof was damaged by a fire, storm, or tornado, and needs immediate fixing. In that case, you need a company that can work with you immediately, ensuring that your family can continue to sleep safely in a dry and safe home.

3) The Pre-Sale Evaluation

In addition to the above two scenarios, you might also want to consider engaging with a roofing contractor when you think about selling your home. This pre-sale inspection helps you potentially increase the value of your home, while also increasing the likelihood that a pending sale will actually close.

In the course of the home inspection any potential buyer will request, potential issues with the home’s roof will be uncovered. Depending on the severity of these issues, the responsibility (and cost) of fixing them will likely fall to you. In some cases, if the roof is badly damaged, the sale could even fall through as the home buyers look for a safer home.

By engaging with a reliable roofing expert in Plymouth, Michigan, you can avoid either of these scenarios. Instead, you can get a better understanding of the health of your home, and complete any potential fixes before putting the house on the market. And if the roof is in great health, you can even use that fact as a selling point on your listing.

4) The Full Replacement

Finally, there will come a time when your roof is ready to be replaced. Because of the attached cost, many home owners try to prolong this process. But in reality, the opportunity cost of continuing to live under a failing roof could be even more significant.

Once roofs begin to leak, they will begin to damage and even rot the structure of your home. If the issue is not fixed quickly and comprehensively, you could find yourself having to replace not just your roof, but all of the joists in your attic.

Generally speaking, the average roof lasts between 15 and 30 years depending on the material used. A number of warning signs can let you know exactly when it’s time for a replacement, but the above-mentioned yearly inspection can also give you a better idea of your roof’s long-term health.

Ultimately, it makes sense to keep your roof in mind at all times. Potential damage may not be visible immediately, which is why it pays to be proactive. For all of the above scenarios, you need a trusted roofing contractor who can help you reliably and credibly fix or replace your roof when the time comes. Contact us today if you think you need roofing services, or to schedule your yearly inspection.