Everyone has access to blogs, videos and articles laying out step by step how to do just about anything. If you are planning on doing some remodeling in your home, it can be tempting to attempt the work yourself. But is it really worth it? To help you figure out whether the risk of doing the job yourself is better than the stress of finding and hiring a professional home improvement contractor in Plymouth Michigan, you need to consider just what kind of remodeling you are doing.

Comparing DIY to Professional Work in a Home Remodel in Plymouth Michigan

A home remodel project can make a huge impact on the value and functionality of your home. From knocking out walls to make rooms bigger to adding bathrooms and such, it can truly be a great way to make a house your home. But many of these changes are complex and different home components and systems will likely come into play. The home remodel project that does not require altering home components can sometimes be done as a  do it yourself project. We’ll list some of the differences with the different components for the home remodel project below:

Remodel Project Plymouth MI

Here are some of the home remodel projects and the differences when comparing DIY projects with professional home improvement contractors


Painting interiors are something that can go faster with a professional team, but does not necessarily need to be done by a professional. With the proper tools and prep work, you can do the job yourself without too much difficulty. However, if you are going to do trim work, doors or use more creative methods of painting, you may want a professional. If you are going to paint the exterior of your home, it is better to hire professionals. They will be able to prep the area and do it job more quickly than someone with no home painting experience.


Whether it is rewiring, installing outlets, or anything else dealing with electrical work, you should always hire a certified professional. Electrical work done incorrectly can cause shocks, severe injury and even fire. You need to make sure whoever you hire is trained and certified in the field to guarantee your safety.

Home Improvement Plymouth MI


Plumbing may not pose as much risk as electric work, but it still requires certain expertise. While you may be able to clear a drain, it is much different to install a toilet, reroute piping or install a sink. Water leaking can not only cause damp spots, but mold and electrical issues that can lead to shock and fire hazards.


Flooring is unique in that it can be part DIY and part professional to help you save time and money. Removing old flooring, especially carpeting, can be a huge time saver for a professional, and can allow them to get straight to installing your new flooring. Installing flooring yourself may not seem overly difficult, but one mistake can make your floors look awkward and sloppy.

Flooring Installation – Plymouth, Michigan


There are certain things that need to be installed by a certified professional in order to maintain the warranty on the materials or have it covered by your insurance. Installing a showerhead isn’t very difficult, but replacement windows or roofs have to be done by a professional. Repairs are also something that may not be covered under insurance or warranty if you do it yourself. That is why it is important to know what will and will not be affected by handling the problem yourself.


Whether it is a skylight, garage, addition to your house, or anything else that requires demolition and reconstruction, you need a professional to do the job. This is because you need to have permits to do the work and everything must be done to code. When dealing with the structural integrity of a building, you simply have to have a professional on board for any city to sign off. Doing it yourself can pose a major safety risk that is simply not worth taking.

Before You Attempt a DIY Project, Call Us

At Home Pros Plymouth we offer free, no obligation quotes on all home improvement and home remodel projects. We may also be able to help with financing for the home remodel project. Call us today at 734-548-9911 for more details.