When you think of your roof and keeping it in good condition, you most likely think of the shingles, chimney and gutters. But a crucial part of your roof that is often overlooked is the fascia board. To understand just how important fascia board is to your home, and the issues that come with faulty fascia board, you must understand its purpose and how it fits into your roofing system. When there is a problem with your fascia board it can lead to other roof damage and problems so be sure to have a roofing contractor in Plymouth Michigan repair or replace your fascia board if needed.

The Importance Of Fascia Board On Your Roof in Plymouth Michigan

The roof on your home is made of many different components. Typically each of these components have a specific job to do. The gutters are designed to take water away from the roof and home and vents are designed to let the roof breathe. The shingles themselves and flashing are designed to divert water off the home into the gutters. When one of these components fail it can lead to damage in the home usually because of water entering. The fascia board on your home can also lead to damage in the home. It may also cause other parts of the roofing system to fail. Here is a bit more details about your home’s fascia board and what you should look for to determine if you need the help of a roofer:

The Importance Of Fascia Board On Your Roof in Plymouth Michigan

What Is Fascia Board

Fascia board is a long, flat piece of board that is installed directly under the lower edge of your home’s roof. It is what the guttering system is attached to, and adds a seamless finish to your home. Fascia board is typically paired with Soffit boards, which runs along the bottom of the roof edge, creating a right angle with the fascia.

What Is The Purpose Of Fascia Board

Fascia board serves two main purposes. The first is to serve as the trim for the ends of the rafters and trusses. But the second, and most crucial, is that it helps block out moisture from the interior of your home. This is especially important because the gutters attached to it can overflow and provide a perfect opportunity for moisture to get in.

How To Make Your Fascia Board Last

To give your home the best chance of fending off moisture, it is important to not only have fascia board, but the right materials and installation for the job.

Choose The Right Materials for your Fascia Board

There are four different materials you can choose from for your fascia board. Wood is the most common because it is affordable and easy to install. But if not properly treated, the porous material can warp, rot and become useless against keeping moisture out. Aluminum fascia is also relatively affordable, and is easy to install. It works extremely well for adding another layer to your fascia over wood boards, and can be painted to match your home. However, aluminum can corrode over time.

Vinyl is a long lasting material that requires little to no maintenance. They are durable, and will not become damaged by the exposure to moisture like wood and aluminum, Composite material is formed by combining wood chips and sawdust with epoxy resin. This is a more expensive option, but you are getting a much more durable product with less maintenance required

Use High Quality Nails

The fascia board materials aren’t the only thing coming in close contact with water. The nails you use can become corroded very easily, making it crucial that you use either stainless steal or galvanized nails. Galvanized nails need to be made the old fashioned way with hot dipping for them to be effective.

Use An Experienced Professional Roofer

If your fascia board it improperly installed, it can make it easy for moisture to get in and damage your home. This is why it is important that you have a professional roofing contractor such as Home Pros Plymouth that has done this kind of work before handle the installation. Otherwise, you can end up with cracks in your material, gaps where the board isn’t properly aligned, and high repair costs. Be sure to call us today at 734-548-9911 for a roof inspection which includes a fascia board and gutter inspection on your home in Plymouth Michigan.